Name : | Naresha |
Mundane of : | IoonajinsouIe, chuqhan, nakouyaki / yabukiu |
Pronouns : | she / her |
Languages i use : | bahasa, english |
Sign : | {zodiac} : capricorn |
MBTI : | ??? |
likes :
the boyz! < 3
zhang chuhan, and youth with you participants!
everythings sweet, especially ice cream.
my crush, of course.
dislikes :

• the boyz.

• zhang chuhan

other, {archives}

people i love, < 3

thia, sese, kenzie, ael, deandra, adrina, abuki, lyrelle, asha, shacia, kia, alin, kala, alea, mia, adrina, anne, jergaf, yohanapadan, bogheur, cinnamonnroll, nafisya, ella, kanina, hezkia, coco, rezan, mikrofag, pascal, ian, abian, eca, cheryl and others that maybe i forgot to put in the list or i haven't met yet.
thank you for always there beside me, i love you! xoxo.